2022 – 2023 Seminars


Every Thursday at 1:10  pm in 1022 Green Hall

Sign up for announcements: https://lists.ucdavis.edu/sympa/info/seminarsinmcb

Fall Quarter 2022


      • 22 – Silvia Carrasco Garcia
      • 29 – Oliver Fiehn


      • 6   – open
      • 13 – Marina Crowder
      • 20 – Ted Powers
      • 27 – Chris Fraser


      • 3 – James Letts
      • 10 – Gerald Quon
      • 17 – Celina Juliano
      • 24 – Thanksgiving


      • 1 – Kassie Ori-McKenney
      • 8 – Frank McNally

Winter Quarter 2023


      • 12 -Dr. Maria Sallee (Stanford University)
        Epithelial tissue dynamics during gut formation in C. elegans
      • 19- Mona Monfared (note special time: 10:00 am)
      • 19 –Dr. Joseph Campanele (UC Santa Barbara)
        Collective cell migration in Drosophila and pancreatic organoids
      • 26 – Dr. Kristen Koenig, (Harvard University)
        Neurogenesis and morphogenesis of the cephalopod visual system


      • 2 -Ken Kaplan (note special time: 10:00 am)
      • 2 -Dr. Priya Sivaramakrishnan (University of Pennsylvania)
        Transcriptional dynamics that drive cell fate specification (C. elegans)
      • 9 -Dr. Kelsie Eichel, (Stanford University)
        Mechanisms that drive neuronal polarity in C. elegans and cultured human neurons
      • 16 -Dr. Alice Accorsi (Stowers Institute)
        Eye regeneration in snails
      • 23 – Javier Arsuaga (note special time: 10:00 am)
      • 23 -Dr. Erin Jimenez (NIH)
        Regeneration of the inner ear hair cell in Zebrafish


      • 2-
      • 9-
      • 16-
      • 23-Leslie Babonis (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University)
      • 30-

Spring Quarter 2023


      • 13 -Dr. Ellen Zhong (Princeton)
        Machine learning for reconstructing protein structure and dynamics from cryo-EM images
      • 27 – Jawdat Al-Bassam


      • 4     Postdoctoral Scholar Seminars:
          • Abhilash Padvannil, Assistant Project Scientist, Letts Lab: “Resting mitochondrial complex I from Drosophila melanogaster adopts a helix-locked state”

          • Xiangyu Fan, Postdoctoral Fellow, McKenney Lab: “Control of Motor Landing and Processivity by the CAP-Gly Domain in the KIF13B Tail”

      • 11.    Postdoctoral Scholar Seminars:
          • Ben Cox, Postdoctoral Fellow, Juliano Lab: “ECM remodeling during Hydra vulgaris head regeneration”

          • Kyoko Okada, Assistant Project Scientist, McKenney Lab: “Conserved Roles for the Dynein Intermediate Chain and Ndel1 in Assembly and Activation of Dynein”


      • 1 – Dr. Prashanth Rangan (Mount Sinai School of Medicine): “Launching the next generation: Nuclear and cytoplasmic reprogramming during germ cell to maternal transition “